Friday, December 12, 2008

Bah HUMBUG!!!!

I tried. I really did. I tried to be happy and cheerful this year for x-mas, but my patience is just about up. I dont even know where to begin. You search and search for something thoughtful... then you find it online and your thinking fantastic! Oh but wait theres a problem with the order, now the site no longer functions right. Customer service? Send us an email, or call and leave a message on the answering machine. Gift lists? Supposed to be a real holiday time saver right? A convenient little wish list to help you with gift ideas for people. Oh but wait just like everything else theres a catch. Sure you can buy everything in one convenient place but it all ships from every random place in the country. So now your $70 or so worth of goodies comes to about $110. Oh you want to try and align some of your items so they ship from the same place???? LOL HAHHAHAHAHA I say, don't you wish. Be prepared to spend a few hours at the end of which you'll find you might have saved $3.27.

X-mas is an over commercialized messery to give the general public a reason to go out and buy mass produced, generic, Chinese goods! Or at least it feels that way. I guess I'm just frustrated because I can't seem to do anything special. Every time I get an idea worked out it just gets screwed up. Its really hard these days to get anyone a really meaningful gift. Everyone just herds on over to the local Mass Retailer to buy whatever's supposed to be the in thing for that year.

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